About This Game Winged Sakura: Mindy's Arc is a fast-paced anime-themed Strategy Defense game with RPG mechanics based on telling a story about Mindy Akumori, a weak girl that's currently suffering from amnesia. The story is set in an unknown dimensional world where Mindy is trapped inside a building. The building contains a Sakura Platform that allows her to teleport to various places within the dimensional world, called entrances. In this era, Sakura (aka Cherry Blossoms), are known as magical flowers that give humans the ability to become a Sakura Contractor, granting them abnormal powers. If the Contractor dies, the Sakura dies. If the Sakura dies, the Contractor dies. Will Mindy remember her past? Will she survive and make it back to her world alive? Help Mindy and become her savior.Key FeaturesA Brand New Innovative Defense System: The characters (Spirits) you summon onto the field are stationary and only last for a few seconds. You have complete control over each Spirit's target, but they de-summon if an enemy collides into them. Strategic Pause: Plan your moves, queue up actions and take all the time you want. No rush. Enjoy the game at your own pace.Leveling Up System: A total of 16 Spirits to unlock and level up to 99!Skill System: A skill tree system with 12 Active and 8 Passive Skills! Change your build and find a build you love! An Expandable Shop System: After successfully completing a level, the shop has a chance to permanently unlock an item! Expand the shop until you've unlocked every single item in the game! Crafting and Enchanting System: Enchant your gears up to a maximum level of 99! Find Crafting Recipes and Craft items for all your Spirits! Survival Mode (End game content): After beating the game, you can test your skills on our endless Survival Mode! A total of 4 Spirits can be unlocked in this mode. Are you good enough to take on the challenge ahead and unlock all 16 Spirits?Steam Leaderboards!: Compete against others in ranking and make your friends jealous of how skilled you are. Do you have what it takes to get your name onto our Insane Mode Leaderboards? (Internet Connection is required for full functionality of Steam Leaderboards. Steam Leaderboards can be disabled via in-game options.) 7aa9394dea Title: Winged Sakura: Mindy's ArcGenre: Indie, RPG, StrategyDeveloper:WINGED SAKURA GAMESPublisher:WINGED SAKURA GAMESRelease Date: 7 Nov, 2014 Winged Sakura: Mindy's Arc Free Download [PC] winged sakura mindy's arc download. winged sakura mindy's arc tips. winged sakura mindy's arc tips. winged sakura mindy's arc download. winged sakura mindy's arc trainer. winged sakura mindy's arc. winged sakura mindy's arc 2 trainer. winged sakura mindy's arc 2 trainer. winged sakura mindy's arc wiki. winged sakura mindy's arc 2. winged sakura mindy's arc. winged sakura mindy's arc walkthrough. winged sakura mindy's arc русификатор. winged sakura mindy's arc русификатор. winged sakura mindy's arc trainer. winged sakura mindy's arc 2. winged sakura mindy's arc wiki. winged sakura mindy's arc walkthrough Game is good, it´s difficult to learn but once you get the hang of it it becomes much easier, until you move up to another difficulty and get destroyed again, the difficulty curve is sometimes insane and takes a lot of "training" to move on but i really liked that this game is a challenge even on easy.Only con i really have is the end game farming, getting to level 99 takes way too much, otherwise no complains about this great game.. Winged Sakura: Mindy's Arc is one of those games where I really wish there were three options for reviews: Positive, Negative, and Wait for a Sale. It’s a lane defense game where you have to collect recipes and parts to equip spirits to take on wave after wave in nearly 50 levels (plus endless mode). In order to get the gear you need, you need to either find it after winning a level, at which point it is usually underpowered. Or you need to find a Data Fragment, in which case you can buy it in the store. Or you need to find the recipe and hope you have or can buy the right parts. The setup is good, but the execution is weak. The main problem is the grind. There are items where you need to beat a 10 minute level in order to have at best a 25% chance of finding the item you need. I had a stretch of bad luck and it took more than four hours to finally get the recipe I needed, only to realize I didn’t have any of the parts to craft it. I had to farm for another hour to get the Data Fragments to buy the parts in the store. If you don’t mind the grind, then it is worth picking up, but that is not an enthusiastic recommendation.. Not bad. But the difficulty of the game is very difficult!. If you like Tower Defense type of games, this is worth looking into. Mindy's Arc is a TD with RPG elements where you have to be quite active, as your Spirits(towers) have a limited field time. In Easy, Normal or Hard, you have access to Strategic Pause, which which is pretty nice when you're new to a stage. The arts are pretty and cute and the soundtracks are decent. The story is a bit confusing at the beginning, but everything is straighted out by the end, so don't let that drag you down. I've never really been a big TD person, but I've enjoyed this game a lot.. Although I'm giving this a negative review with the only choices being the black or white "Recommended" or "Not Recommended", I'm doing it more to give constructive criticism to the developer and inform potential buyers of some things positive reviewers might be leaving out.The difficulty curve is extremely harsh. You have four levels of difficulty you can play at. Easy, Normal, Hard, and Insane. In the first three you can pause the game at any time in order to take your time placing units (spirits), looking at tooltips to read weaknesses, etc. In Insane you cannot pause at all. I started out playing on Normal and assumed that it wouldn't be too hard to progress at that level. Wrong. Even at Normal you will most likely quickly get overwhelmed and have to fall back to playing levels on Easy. Even on Easy you will most likely have a hard time completing progressive levels and have to go back to earlier levels and grind random rewards (Item Blossoms) and sell those rewards for money that you can buy enchanting items with from the store and upgrade your Spirits items with.This however is another issue in my opinion. Completing levels only gives you experience that levels up your spirits and the item blossoms depending on what difficulty level you played and if you did it perfectly without any enemies making it across the end line and damaging your 10 health points. It used to give fewer item blossoms but it was patched to increase the rewards. On Easy you will get 4 random Item Blossoms (3 + 1 if you do it perfectly) from a specific pool of items that the level can give. Completing levels does not give you any money. You have to sell your random rewards to the shop for ~33% of their value that the store sells the same items for. Also, sometimes rewards consist of patterns that unlock items in the shop; aka they have no monetary value. So to enchant one of your spirits weapons up to +10 you need to grind easy levels repeatedly getting rewards such as Bows that you sell for about 33 currency or Coins that you sell for 97 currency. You might get around 200-350 currency per repeated grind. You need 400 for each level of enchanting up to level 10. I think it would be better if the game directly rewarded currency for each level completed instead of needing to grind materials and sell them for low percentages repeatedly.The story is pretty random and hard to follow. None of the characters know why they're there or why they're doing what they're doing. The main character seems to have amnesia. It's hard to follow which character is even talking when you're clicking through the dialogue at a decent pace. When there are four characters on screen and two are named "Mindy" and "Minzy" and two are named "Nina" and "Nino" it can kind of be confusing which one is saying what. Especially when there is usually no indication of a character starting to talk besides the (very similar) name changing. Aka the character art won't change and the speech is not appearing above their head; it is always in the same place down in the center. Even when the character suddenly changes moods and says something like "What!? Really!?" their expression won't change and they still have the same smiling expression art used. And you cannot scroll back up to past conversation to check something if you missed it or were clicking through too quickly. You can usually do this in visual novels and having that feature would be great.It's worth pointing out that there is some Engrish. It's not constant but there is quite a bit of it. Incorrect grammar, missing words, words in the wrong order. For example: one time a line said something like "Quick, we to need go now!" instead of "Quick, we need to go now!". It's definitely not impossible to understand but there are a bunch of errors.Although it isn't a huge deal it can be kind of annoying dealing with the different elements of the enemy mobs. They have weaknesses and affinities. The weaknesses are simple enough; a raccoon spirit enemy has a weakness to fire? Great, your fire archer spirits work well against them. The annoying thing is the affinities. If they have a lightning affinity for example they will absorb and heal from any lightning damage. There are Leapie enemies which hold shields that have a lightning affinity and are immune to all damage except any that has shield piercing on it. They're weak to wind so once you get the wind archers with shield piercing you obviously use those to kill them. But when tons of Leapies come out on all five rows it's kind of annoying to have your Lightning Mage spirit up. It will just constantly attack the Leapies and heal them. You can't even desummon spirits once you summon them. You do have the ability to pause the game and manually click and redirect the Lightning Mage spirit's attacks to another enemy (if any are there) but as soon as it kills it it will just attack the next closest enemy (probably a Leapie) and start healing them again. It's not worth constantly manually redirecting your dim-witted spirits attacks for every kill, so I just end up not using the spirit at this point. There have seriously been rows of enemies that include alternating Leapies (weak to wind) and Squirrel spirits (wind affinity, heal from wind damage) over and over. One leapie, one squirrel, one leapie, one squirrel, etc. You need to place your wind archers to kill the Leapies, but as soon as the first Leapie drops it will continue to shoot the next enemy - the squirrel - that will just block it's attacks and heal from it. You can use other spirits to kill the squirrel enemies but your wind archer spirit will continue to shoot them as well until it despawns, constantly healing it and competing against your own spirit trying to kill it. The elements can be kind of frustrating and rather than purely rewarding using the correct elements to do more damage the affinities seem to limit what you can do and punish yourself in some instances.Another thing I hope could be changed is sometimes you try placing your own Leapie spirits to block incoming waves and if you misjudge whether or not you have enough room to place the Leapie it will just instantly delete it once you resume game because it was a fraction too close and got placed on top of the enemy. And then you are sort of screwed or at least at a big disadvantage as it goes on its 10 second cooldown and the wave you were trying to block is probably sprinting or equally dangerous. You can be very conservative in such situations and just place it another square back but having an indicator telling you that you can't place it there would be nice.Overall I think that it is a pretty fun game. It can be rather hectic and the difficulty curve does seem kind of broken as of now. I don't think it should be necessary to both drop down to the lowest difficulty and still need to grind to improve your spirits because you can't even progress on said easiest difficulty without doing so. The developer is very defensive about people commenting on this. I've seen responses with him questioning if they listened to the tutorial or are using strategic pause enough or that he sees they haven't enchanted a weapon to +10. I have done grinding to enchant multiple weapons to +10, etc, paid attention to every tip given and pause a lot (it's necessary); it's still challenging even on easy. I hope the information I provided was useful. There are many positive aspects to the game; I am simply chosing to focus on the negatives since nobody seems to really point them out. The developer seems to care about the game and still be involved in improving it. I do think it's a decent game. I recommend picking it up. Edit: In a recent patch (you can see him post patch notes in the announcements) the developer improved the electric caster spirit's AI and increased item sell values (from 35% to 50%), improved some typos, etc. He continues to work to improve the game.. great game ! Winged Sakura: Demon Civil War is Now Available on Steam!: Thank you for supporting us, everyone! As a reminder, if you own Winged Sakura: Mindy's Arc on Steam, Mindy and Minzy will make an appearance near endgame in Winged Sakura: Demon Civil War. The two additional characters are exclusive to you guys only! Both Mindy and Minzy also has updated sprites (brand new illustrations.)You guys will definitely love them!Check out for new game below!http://store.steampowered.com/app/470300/. Winged Sakura: Endless Dream Loyalty Rewards: We're releasing a new game on Steam this Friday! We've worked on this Project since Dec 2014. A new game means a new loyalty reward for our players!Check out the game below!http://store.steampowered.com/app/339250/Winged_Sakura_Endless_Dream/All Winged Sakura: Mindy's Arc owners will get Cecilia as a Sakura in Winged Sakura: Endless Dream (WSED.) In WSED, you can select up to 30 (+2) Sakuras and they each have unique powers that can change the way you play the game. Cecilia changes your Element to Poison, boosts your Attack value by 2, and decrease certain in-game events by 1 turn (random events that makes enemy stronger, etc., but reward you after the event ends).In addition, when activating Burst (class' unique skill), it will trigger an additional effect. On the .gif below, you can see Mindy activating the Archer's unique skill, instantly dealing 8 damage to all enemies.Thank you for your continued support and please do check our new game out!. 2/26/2015 Patch Notes: Store. Soundtrack and Quick Fixes: Hey everyone,Here's a quick update:- Fix a bug that occurs when user repeats level 1 and triggers level 2 story dialogue- Fix a bug that occurs when user equips green bow before enchanting tutorial- Fix typo "Cherry Blossom Pedals" to "Cherry Blossom Petals"- Fix Winged Sakura: Mindy's Arc - Soundtrack. Now works with Steam Music PlayerFor those who supported us by buying our OST:Due to our mistake, all OST owners will need to update an additional 200MB. We're sorry for the poor delivery of our soundtracks. We didn't realize our tracks were missing metadata and an album art. Our OST has now been fixed and is now compatible with Steam Music Player. I hope you'll forgive us! Sorry!Thank you for supporting us and I hope everyone is enjoying the game!. 11/11/2014 Patch Notes: NUMBER OF ITEM BLOSSOM REWARDS. Winged Sakura: Endless Dream Loyalty Rewards: We're releasing a new game on Steam this Friday! We've worked on this Project since Dec 2014. A new game means a new loyalty reward for our players!Check out the game below!http://store.steampowered.com/app/339250/Winged_Sakura_Endless_Dream/All Winged Sakura: Mindy's Arc owners will get Cecilia as a Sakura in Winged Sakura: Endless Dream (WSED.) In WSED, you can select up to 30 (+2) Sakuras and they each have unique powers that can change the way you play the game. Cecilia changes your Element to Poison, boosts your Attack value by 2, and decrease certain in-game events by 1 turn (random events that makes enemy stronger, etc., but reward you after the event ends).In addition, when activating Burst (class' unique skill), it will trigger an additional effect. On the .gif below, you can see Mindy activating the Archer's unique skill, instantly dealing 8 damage to all enemies.Thank you for your continued support and please do check our new game out!. 11/9/2014 Patch Notes: SKILLS UI. Winged Sakura: Mindy's Arc 2 is Now Available!: https://store.steampowered.com/app/361790/Winged_Sakura_Mindys_Arc_2/We hope you all enjoy our latest Tower Defense RPG!If anyone have any questions, feedback, or needs help, please use the Steam Discussion Forums or send an email to support@wingedsakura.com and we'll be happy to help.Any previous owners of any Winged Sakura games can view the Journal in game to see how to unlock their exclusive items. Alternatively, you may check each announcement previously made in this announcement.Thank you to everyone who has supported us thus far and in the future!Official Site: http://wingedsakura.com/mindysarc2/Support: support@wingedsakura.com
Winged Sakura: Mindy's Arc Free Download [PC]
Updated: Nov 28, 2020